Has anyone thought that wearing the “dress” would get your work done. Or thinking and planning the thought would make the job easier.

For me high school was a past memory of not so fond moments and stressing about grades and exams, and not fitting in.

I felt so hopeful that the day I enter college, everything would just happen on its own, and there would be like a violin symphony playing in the back of my head, rejoicing of happiness, but boy was I wrong!

The first week, even the first month or two was awesome, new environment, having a great time enjoying the moment and classes. But than everything turned lopsided, college has been so stressful and and almost brings yourself to the brinks of madness, and holding on has been really hard.


Well this might be from the thoughts and mind of a girl who’s supposing to be studying for finals hehehe and found a way to procrastinate 😉


Image from: google

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